Press release 23.7.2019
Honkarakenne and Mediset Hoivarakentajat Oy will actualize a nursing home with 20 available places for the elderly, for Palvelukoti Kotokaari Oy in Karvia, Finland.
The nursing home made of logs is over 800 square meters in size per storey and Hoivarakentajat will actualize it with a turnkey contract model. With a history of close cooperation in construction of daycare centres Honkarakenne and Mediset Hoivarakentajat Oy will increase their level of cooperation in construction of nursing homes as well, as the trade is confirmed.
”We chose logs as the building material because we want to offer our clients healthy and plastic-free premises with assuredly uniform quality. The capacity of our old nursing home is full, and we need new premises, because the contract of our current premises will end in February 2020. We are satisfied with the decisions made.”, says the CEO of Palvelukoti Kotokaari Oy Jarkko Rajala.
Mediset Hoivarakentajat Oy is responsible for actualization of the nursing home in Karvia, while Honkarakenne supplies the log frame. In addition to construction Mediset is responsible for guiding the planning of the project, carrying out risk analyses and consulting.
”For Kotokaari we recommend logs as the building material for the new nursing home. I believe that our extensive experience in construction of nursing homes, good and professional service and log construction suitable for rural surroundings will seal the trade”, adds the CEO of Mediset Hoivarakentajat Oy Tarmo Kemppainen.
The Indoor air problems of nursing homes
The indoor air problems of daycare centres and schools are actively discussed in public. Simultaneously there is an increasing demand for safer construction in the nursing sphere as well, as the population is ageing.
”Together with our trustworthy partners, we want to be pioneers of constructing nursing homes out of logs in addition to constructing daycare centres and schools.”, says the Project Sales Manager of Honkarakenne Markus Saarelainen.
Additional information given by:
Markus Saarelainen, Project Sales Manager, +358 40 596 6007,, Honkarakenne Oyj
Mediset Hoivarakentajat Oy is specialized in professional turnkey construction of sensory-friendly daycare centers made of logs as well as nursery homes and assisted living units targeted for special groups in Finland. Since 2005, we have actualized tens of projects all around Finland.
The company has been growing generously in recent years. The turnover in 2018 was 26 million euros.,
Honkarakenne Oyj produces high-quality, healthy and ecological detached houses, leisure homes and public buildings out of Finnish solid wood under their trademark Honka. The company has delivered 85,000 buildings to 50 different countries. The house packages are manufactured in Finland, the company’s own factory is situated in Karstula. The turnover of Honkarakenne-concern in 2018 was 48.9 million euros, 37% of which consisted of export.